♥Tuesday, April 27, 2010♥

ii must start revising NOW!!!
STUDY!STUDY!STUDY!!!BUt how?how?how???
haiyo...can anyone push me???im worried about my studies,but ii dunno how to revise:D
Hmm...I dont wanna go ITE:( I can do it for N level!!!ANd i MUST!!!ARRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your better dont surprise when ii reallie did it k???hur.Shall start slowly.hahax:D
hate staying at home alone or with my mum.Alone cause my mind will start filling with thoughts.With mum cause she always nags!!!And when she got mood swing..im so dead.ANd she just simply gonna spoil my mood...Sigh. What are you thinking when you always dont feel like going home???maybe cause a home is just a place for me to take my nap.thats all.
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 7:12 PM
ii hate monday...haha.Yupyup. Yesterday pack wrong time table and also kana STI by teacher. SIanz.Was told to have a back up plan for ITE.was hurt.Is the teaching trying to tell me anything???ii think ii knew it ler...Sigh.wad a disappointment.wad can i do!!!My maths is reallie sinking!!!Its going DOwn DOWN DOWN!!!Die die die...Sigh.Yeah yeah.Ss test got 8/12 though not very good,but still can pass very good ler.Geog also pass.hehe.But 6/12 onli. Okie lah.Still got hope at least= =!yaya. After school went for a MEMORY work shop.Very FUN!
Quickly go home,shower,smell good ler watch tv awhile go meet dear dear.Hahax:D damm cute sia.Bring portable Dvd player and tibits all sit at fitness corner watch movie.Lawlz.About a band thingy de.Nice lorx.hahax:D den sit until back ache.lawlz.But,veri cool lah.haha.Enjoy every moment ii spent with my dear dear.Hahax:D happie.
Today in class was soso.Only last period fun.Hahax:D Alot homework and revision to do.Its seems like ii cant cope anymore..BUt,im only stressing on can ii pass my N lvl???With the burdens of my Maths:( sigh. At home,All homeworks and books around me,sigh.How should i start...Sianz lah.im only missing my dear dear:( How ii wish he were here now...haha. k lah!will study hard de!!!Jia you:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 5:36 PM
♥Sunday, April 25, 2010♥

NSSCC 3rd & last day.24th & 25th April'10
hey hey.. Today had my competition for B division mixed and girls team. Both got only 5th position. Was Quite disappointed. Sigh. Must work Double hard to achieve better result. ANyway, ii think ii have already did my best. Jux dat girls team time got a bit screwed up. Take longer. For mixed ii think ii did well. Ya ya.Nvm.Nobody will believe too.OKIE! Then went to help out after my results are out. Take dessert to serve my friends and had Lots of Fun with them during resting.IN our ABC room,PLay the Whacking game. Its hurtful but, its fun!MUahahahahax:D
ii miss all of them sia!Today our last day to work together and had so much fun!Hope to see them again next time.yup:D ANd Aizan treat all of the volunteers LUNCH.Nasi brani sia...Veri Big packet with no spoon= =!then, Aileen,dona and me share one packet.Learning to eat with our hands.Veri interesting and funnie.Whenever ii want to put the rice in my mouth all the rice drop.Then eat until very...= =!Diaos. hahax:D After eating,went to tpy walk walk at Palsa Malam awhile den buy bubble tea go back home.Bag were heavy..make my shoulder painful.abit tired too.Reached home,showered,study:(
YEAH!!!Another g00d news!
Guess what?LOVE IS REALLY BLIND.im attached!Heheez:D and my dear dear lurve mie lots! yeah:D im so happie to be loved again. This feeling have been lost for sometime.I found it back... Thanks to youuuuuuuuuuu dear dear:D It really feels great when i'm feeling tired and have a shoulder to lean on to rest and don't have to worry that i'll miss my stop and can rest sweetly on it. Having a company to stay with when its raining heavily to talk to and play with.Really appreciate your company whenever you're with me syg. lurve exuu:D ii hope this is just the beginning of our journey and never gonna end... Lets go through all obstacles and disruption together alright?missing you always^ ^ Thanks!
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 8:14 PM
♥Friday, April 23, 2010♥
Happie Birthday VICKI!!!:D
Hey!!! Today school was short. Assembly were bored. After school went with samantha to shop. She is like a Shopping Queen! Spent like..100+ to 200 on wallet,shoe,bag and dresses.Muahahahahax:D damm envy with her life.So fortunate girl.YEah yeah. Then,around 4+ pm went to meet my friend.
It was raining heavily...we still meet:D
Love is always new. Regardless of weather we love once,twice,or a dozen time in our life,we always face a brand new situation. Love can consign us to hell or to paradise,but it always takes us somewhere.We simply have to accept it, because it is what nourishes our existence.If we reject it,we die of hunger,because we lack of courage to stretch out a hand and pluck the fruit from the branches of the tree of life.We have to take love where we find it,even if that means hours,days,weeks of disappointment and sadness.
The moment we began to seek love,love begins to seek us. And to save us. When the other left me,my heart once again began to speak to me.It told me that the breach in the dike had allowed the waters to pour through,that the wind was blowing in all directions at once,and that was happy because i was once again wiling to listen to what it had to say...My heart told me that i was in LOVE. And i fell asleep with a smile on my lips:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 10:03 PM
♥Wednesday, April 21, 2010♥
yeah!Sense of achievement:D
Hohoho!!!My physics score 24/35.NOt bad kk...Neva reallie study eh.So surprising lah!Thought ii would even fail in the first place.Happie.Today is a happie day!but sad,training fer speed was postpone due to the lightening alert and rain= =!Den training become tomorrow..damm sianz.Planned to go out de sia!!!Arrg!
Never mind.Hope this year NSSCC can win something for OAC again:D
God bless me:D
im missing you...
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 8:53 PM
♥Tuesday, April 20, 2010♥

What's Love?
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
im starting to feel bad about wad ii think is not wrong.BUt,things dun seems to go well for me.i'm afraid of losing what had just begun...sigh! ii felt happiy whenever you're around me. But, Why do ii care about how people think???ii hope everything that had just begun,don't end so quickly.If not,ii rather it never started:(
Somehow,when im alone ii always start to think alot.If you really know me you will know.ii just feel like crying out now...ii dunno wad ii am thinking.Is all this a dream?False hope?Never think so it is.ii believe wad ii believe in only...ii know this is never a dream,im in reality.im starting to...sigh.NVm.
ii only know,my mind is all about you now. crying for you in silent helps me feel betta. im missing you:(
Whoever reading this,Don't spoil my mood please. And just mind your own business.If not, leave.
Don't be KPO ask ask ask.If you really curious,than be patient and wait for my new update.Thanks.
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 7:49 PM
♥Monday, April 19, 2010♥
NSSCC 2010

Vicki and mie!




Rachel,jasmine,khaliq,aileen and mii

Dona,jonathan,Chng jie and mii

MIss tien baby and mie:D

jonathan,me,nana,Miss tien & my sis

Myself and Donaaaaaaa

Jonathan,me and nana


Aileen,ramdhan & Khairul

Yong zhi,nila,mie and Wattana

mr loh bday !!!

Nana,Keith and mie:D

Dona,Nila and mie:D

OAC members...

Oac Training pics

It does not matter who are the one in all this picture... the only thing that only matter is that we all enjoy being with each other:D yeah!!!Friends 4-eva,CHEERS:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 7:35 PM
TAKE WRONG BUS!!!(15th april)
Hey hey..today school started late and morning no physical training damm relax and happie sia... Lessons in class were LONG and Boring but subject were little.So bag veri light:D In class keep talking nonesense with friends den keep laughing like mad.Last period,my best frenz siti mother was warded into hospital,comfort her and after school straight away accompany her to Outram Park Mrt den rush back to Tpy central to meet dona to make our CCA teacher Mr Loh bday gift. After Doing rush to City hall again to meet Robin and james fer dinner???yup den went to take bus around 7pm.Saw Yifu and his frenz at the bus stop,talk half way seth shouted:"ur bus!Ur bus!!!" den ii jux board it. First time take my bus home from City hall. Guess wad?ii take the Wrong side bus!!!It goes all the way until RedHIll sia!!!!im like so damm angry...den reach the last stop the uncle say this is the last stop den ii veri scare sia..Dunno where the hell iii am...Den cross the road take again..Bloody hell is the same uncle again= =!den need to tap card again!Wonder yy he ask mie go down lorx..Siao seii.Den reached Home around 8.45pm.Damm Sianz!!!Showered den sleep.
Mr Loh bday Celebration & Speech day!
Aileen made a bday cake fer him on his actual bday which is 13th april.But that day he was not free to stay back so we postpone the celebration to today.My Batch made him a Photo Frame like a celender. Juniors they all bought him bday hat and condom= =!hahax:D Den ordered 100plus KFC and Pizza fer lunch.Took many pictures.Will be uploaded soon:D den slack in store watch movies...den waste time by playing volleyball with juniors..
Happie bday mr loh!!!
Around 4pm went up to the hall to report.Celebrations was Great!!!Veri nice.Happie to see some "old" teachers back like miss tien and dunno who lah.hahax:D den after speech day,went home.damm tired plus next day still need wake up early for NSSCC helper:D
NSSCC 2010!!!(17th april)
*yawn!* wake up early in the morning 6 o'clock.When to central to meet dona and sharon for breakfast.IN the end,Dona was late,no time to eat so bought some finger food to eat.Reached yishun safra,was assigned to be a timer fer Speed climbing Competition.Help out till 1.30pm den left to meet robin,amol,vicki and seth at city hall.den rush to Changi airport at 3.30pm.Was late liao...Den had FLASH MOB practise dance.Today some people were elimated. was worried that im one of them...Lucky im not.haha:D yup yup.den after Flash Mob went to Queensway with robin and seth to look fer clothes and shoes.IN the end never saw any liking ones den decided to go home. While waiting fer bus,see some "god's play" on the road...Some chinese believes in possession of souls and stuff...so got prayers and god walks and stuff.ya,see ler abit scary.as a long needle like a pole were poke through their cheeks...eeeee,kk never mind.den take bus home.
Nsscc 2nd day.(18th april)
Yesterday slept late.onli had 5 to 6hours of sleep.Early in the morning take bus damm cold!was freezing and trembling in the bus.Den one uncle saw at thre laugh den he also cold...= =!retarded uncle.den go central meet sharon and dona eat mac.den go safra.Today also Timer.During the competition duration,we met some new friends...Rizal,"mole",Shawn,Kah wei,"baba","ah chiu",erra,edumb and some others...Forget the name ler.Den 1pm our break wen to "ABC Room" and rest.PLayed some games den take sopme pictures went to Boulder den start work again.During the b div girls finals,some of us were helping out and also more of taking pictures at the back.hahax:D Had lots of Fun with those people...All also crazy crazi de.Hahax:D den it started to pour...clean up den all went back home.When to meet someone to go home together.Hahax:D Took bus back...Journey was long.Was exhausted too!A boy sit in front of us damm chubby and cute.Keep making mie laugh...Den muz control the laughter until my stomach veri pain.Yup.Den after awhile cannot take it uhh..close my eyes and rest awhile on my fren shoulder den not long feel pressure..the little boy was staring at us.Den ii broke out of laughter again...Den keep playing with the little boy till ii reach home.Was veri Fun.At nitez,cant sleep well.Keep waking up.morning go school with my mind filled with many thoughts.Den in class keep day dreaming.Bla bla bla...Had mother tongue and physic test today.Dunno do well anot.Hope ii pass can liao!okie...the end.
Thanks for reading.Pictures will be coming NEXT!!!
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 6:50 PM
♥Wednesday, April 14, 2010♥
Yeah!!!My seniors are BACK:D

Hui Xiang,Yong yi and myself:D

Andy,Wattana and mie^ ^

Daniel,Affi and ME:D
NiLa & me!
Few Seconds to DEATH:(
Woah woah woah!!!Today after school,went cca straight.Went to train for NSSCC competition start this sat.17th,18,24 & 25th.Wish mie all the best k???lawlz.Find that our school speed veri weak.Damm slow.Sigh.ii wonder how will future oac be after 10years?MUahahahahahx:D MIssing the old days where all my beloved seniors are still around though with them are chaos.hahax:D but ii like it.Lawlz.alright.
Today, ii experience a few seconds to death by my beloved juniors...Was training speed.So normally we tap the last tile we straight away let go.And as i tapped it,MY BELOVED junior...(wont say the name) NEVER HOLD ON TO THE ROPE AT ALL!!!Both belayers and rope man!!!OH GOSH!Can u believed it???ARRG...ii drop all the way down from like 13m to LESS THAN 3M lahhz!!!ii was in a freaking Shock zone where my life is a risk!!!luckit jux in time someone held on to the rope and ii was save a few second before ii touches the ground...Was so MAD at my juniors,yelled at them for not putting safety of a person life into consideration= =!sigh.Anyway,Thanks god im still alive.Maybe cause my time is still not Up???Muahahahhaax:D yeah yeah.exciteing too.lawlz.
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 8:32 PM
♥Tuesday, April 13, 2010♥
Early in the morning go school train= =!Dunno who say light training den still normal lorx..it does not make any sense to me that its light.haha. must work hard liao.diaos.
Its been long since ii last compete.But the fear is still there.Haha.Must train hard,but still old liao.lawlz.just do it man...my last competition this year.Maybe going to malaysia compete also.haha.Excited.Tomorrow training liao...Must Tahan!!!yeah^ ^Wish me luck:D(pray hard no muscle ache:D)
Must be more positive minded...Must be!!!If not ii will die being so stress everyday!!!haha.Maths maths maths..."lurve u"lawlz.Its time for me to settle down slowly and get on task!!!Future,im coming and get u down..heheez:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 9:12 PM
♥Monday, April 12, 2010♥








CHNG JIE bday clique:D


Had some cream fight in bowling area and had lots of fun!!!Muahahahax:D
After dat,went to clean up and go mac slack and cam whore again!!!

♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 8:30 PM