♥Tuesday, September 29, 2009♥
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 9:38 PM
Hey guys!its been long since ii last blogged.Okay lahhz.5days nia!hahax:D
thanks fer visinting my blog though exuu can be onli passing by,but all ii wanna say ish a BIG thank you,and all e best to you!muackz!
Recently,been stressing up fer upcoming E-O-Y exams...Hmm,hopefully ii can be promoted this year with honoured!yeah!All the best to All my FTPSS friends!Love yah!muackz muackz!
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 7:54 PM
♥Tuesday, September 22, 2009♥
Yoz!yoz!!! sorrie guys!Been away from Facebook and bloggie fer a long time...hahax:D actually not veri long lahhz!lolz!heheez...went malaysia to visit relative fer 4days 3nitez???and had learn some malay words.lolz!hahax^ ^And uhh!wanna thanks my classmate stallon fer giving mie the "belated birthday present'!hahax:D which ii reallie like it alot!but hor...everytime ferget to bring his bday present de..hahax:D hope ii remember it later...Sianz!dunno wad he like..not sure he like it anot!actually at malaysia wanna buy him 1soccer touchball Lamp de!but hor...its costs not cheap ehh= =!RM177++ den my mother say its heavy and expensive soooooooooo nea bought it for him!but ii can garanteee if ii bought dat fer him he DIFINATELY will LOVE it!hahax:D but hor...too bad uhh!sorrie worx...heheez^ ^ ANd,was happie lahz!not bad this few days!jux dat im still sick!veri sianz....keeps on coughing= =!hahax:DKaes..exams coming soon!Hope ii can do better this time!MAY EVERY GOD BLESS MIE FULLY!!!muackz!take care every1!!!cya!!!
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 8:58 PM
♥Friday, September 18, 2009♥
Yoz!going to malaysia in a few hours time!hmm...been away from fish a fish in facebook for a long time and so fast get 4th position ler..Sad sia!hahax:D lolz anyway!will miss my friends lot lot de!hahax:DWill be back on tuesday!muz miss mie kaes???cya!
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 5:08 PM
♥Thursday, September 17, 2009♥
Yeah!Been away from Computer for days...Hahax:D Been veri tired and lazy to use com now adays cause feeling veri restless and down on sickness:(and im "suck"yeah!ii love my darlinz lots lots:Phahax^ ^Loves this few days time!hahax:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 9:17 PM
♥Sunday, September 13, 2009♥
and den our DINNER STEAM BOAT!!!
a small body with a big jacket LOOKS COOL K!!!
YEAH!!!we r FLYING!!!heheez^ ^
"Broken Leg STARFISH"hahax:D
Action TWINS!!!
Titanic!!!heheez^ ^
Not Lesbian!!!
EAST COAST!!!Yoz!im happie dat im with my 2friends dat when with mie to east coast yesterday cause,though onli the 3 of us,but indeed we had ots of fun!hahax:D Was having lots of good times together and many funnie moments too^^hahax:P THEY DEFINATELY RULEZ!!!sadly,suppose 2 other frens are suppose to join us,but if they were to,its already late at nitez ler...and we cant go back too late so in the end,they neva meet us,such a waste!if not we would have more fun!Hahax:D
And,this few days,dunno yy some of my fren,suddenly "confessed" to mie.And ii felt veri odd:#But ii feel so confused at the same time too:( im afraid ii would hurt their feelings!!!hmm...wad to do...Sometimes ii wonder yy some "guys" will fall in love with mie.(seriously)cause,ii keep thinking dat,my sister ish so much prettier den mie and maybe more gentle and sweet den yy im those girls dat are like "tomboy" but still got people like ehh.. :(though suppose to be happie but,it seems to be a headache fer mie:(haiz!
Anyway,im a naughty girl!hahax:D ii neva study anything at all during my HOLIDAYS!!!hahax:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 12:12 AM
♥Thursday, September 10, 2009♥

Rugby in the MIDNIGHT!!!



Sistaz in OAC!!!

OAC grouop pic!

All the SIAOS!


Bestest SISTAZ!

Yesterday had an "Party" fer graduating councillors and Camp fer OAC?
Had quite a great fun together during the party..Funnie items veri brought up like Live band and "she bangs" intimated.Hahax:D Laugh till my lungs out^ ^ And was quite late,many went back home and mostly left the OAC and junior councillors.
Oac people was so CRAZIE dat midnight going to 1am we decided to play RUGY in our sch field and it was reallie on.Hahax:D was damm crazie lahhz...So dark and we jux bring it on!Senior VS Junior.Hahax:D Many times of "Hamburger" and was veri veri FUN!Den, Many times get bang and head get bang by two butts= =! make mie damm giddy lorx...Hahax:D was reallie enjoying lahz.
Oso,some councillors went in the field to see us play with their HAmster...Den caught my eyes and ii join to play the hamster.Hahax:D Mie,Jasmine and Dona make the hamster giddy by putting on a "pail" den keeps on turing.Hahax:D dunno yy randomely wanna make the Hamster crazy.Hahax:D think too high liao.
den went to take a break den sit down and play poker games.Loser muz drink Cup of water but cannot go toilet unless got a "Pass".Hahax:D damm lame!den had MOVIE MARATHON.watch Orphan and dunno wad dance flick.hahax:D den slowly some fall asleep den the rest Tok cork!
Den morning den Tired still managed to drag my feet home:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 5:09 PM
♥Tuesday, September 8, 2009♥

one day exuu will reallie agree with mie...
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 10:23 PM
♥Monday, September 7, 2009♥
This few days im not reallie feeling HAPPIE!!!WHY???Been alone at home the moment im awake.Always feel so Left out at home and even when im with my friends.Even facebook says dat.My weakness.But yy???After all this years,ii onli realise ii onli treated one gal as my "ONLY ONE BEST FRENZ AND SISTAZ" but,after my sec one days,we get further apart.And we both changed.ii realise she no longer cares or bothers about mie much.and each time ii feel this,my heart would ache.Cause those times ii ONCE shared with her was Veri SWEET AND MEMORABLE.and ii will nv forgets.EVen those sad moments...she would be the 1st one to be dere fer mie,and always stand up fer mie:D SHe my BESTEST FRENZ AND SISTAZ:D but,Now dat im sec 3,many things have Changed.ii reallie miss the old innocent cute and beloved sistaz of mine.TIll now,thought she no longer reallie find mie important,to mie,NO ONE CAN REPLACE HER IN MY HEART.but the sad thing dat ish bothering mie ish,ii find dat she DUN reallie noe how much her importance she ish to mie and how much ii reallie Cherish a fren like her in my life!and she will always think dat im too negative minded or always think too much and stuff..But those are how ii feels...and she NEVER KNOWS!ii find it so hard to express my real feelings deep inside my heart to her,cause when tokin to her,ii dun feel any bottom heart concern from her.Jux words without meaning.I REALLIE REALLIE MISS HER!!!and ii dun ever wan her to leave my past or present or even future!or maybe in my memories...She ish always wanted by mie!
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 11:16 PM
♥Saturday, September 5, 2009♥
Wad a Bad day!050909;saturdayRock-climbing training:DEarly in the morning...Damm lazy to wake up.BUt,ii still managed to drag myself out of my bed.During Climbing,we are split into 2group.Level 2(leading) people muz mixed with those level 1 juniors.And we are to compete which group climb the most Lab.Level 2 people cannot climb top rope.I sighed!with worries.I was the 1st climber to start,started with worries,continued with no confident den.On the way going up to the Roof,was extremely NO CONFIDENT and SCARED!!!wasnted to give up and come down...But with my coach and seniors and juniors support,ii wanted to give it a try.And ii jux take my time for my rest,and ii give it a shot.But,as ii go,ii realise my hand was very pumped and ii wanted to hand in the runners and to clip my rope,but ii cant find a comfortable spot and ii was Struggling badly...cause ii knew ii was going to fall.I dare not look down!!!ii cried out loud..reallie.Den ii fall."Poom!" my left knee hit onto the runners and i was in great pain!ii was cryin out loud still..den ii was lowered down.My coach asked mie to stand up,ii cant cause its reallie damm painful!and ii was afraid dat ii might not be able to climb again..cause the impact was ral hard as ii fall double the height.(not on top rope).So my Lovely Senior AILEEN and my Coach suan help mie up and bring mie to the bench and heal my wound...I WAS IN EXTREMELY GREAT PAIN,AND IM AFRAID OF MEDICINE:( ii cry and cry and cry!ii Pinch my senior hand cuz ii was damm scare,was reallie sorry fer her!but ii felt alot of concern at that moment from her and my coach and ii was reallie touched.Till this point,ii walk with pain but still not dead...Hahax:D Now,seems to have this fobia to LEAD again:( When iii reach home,damm tired.when to take a nap den wake up.I put on my facebook dat,"Jessica Sarsii Had a bad fall and ended with a big cut on my kneel:(" den many people commented.like heng huat uhh,myron,kiat soon,yide and my cousin.Wanna thanks them fer their Care and Concern!haahx:D Thanks guys!(reallie all guys)hahax:DWonder how many days will it take fer mie to recover..Damm shuei!:(
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 9:03 PM
♥Friday, September 4, 2009♥
Sometimes...ii would jux wish dat my Happie moment would be freeze!
cause,each time ii feel dat im happie,soon my laughter would be scare away...Ad my Happie day would be vanished:(I dislike Those ii called "mood-spoiler" cause they are the ones who always spoils people mood and crashed up people smiles.This feeling definately Sucks to the bootom!Damm it!Haiz...As days were longer,my interest to school will soon not be there.I jux dunno yy?i used to love to go to school everyday?and ii cant wait to be with my friends..But,till sec3,ii din noe dat my enthusium had slowly faded away...and each day,ii would jux have to drag myself off my bed and look forward to school...ii miss my PRIMARY DAYS and the days when im in SEC1 and 2!It was so Damm fun and each day exuu will be like cant wait to get back to school...Unlike the days im having now:( its so "no-life" damm Sianz!
Haiz..and ii realise dat my maths,is going to be hopeless soon if ii dun buck up!F9,not normal but...this will decides my future.and im being naughty now a days fer being lazy to go fer every thursday school becuz is a damm long day and ii dn like those subject dat falls on thursday!Haiz...Things are changing faster den ii think= =!!!
Hope tomoro ish a betta day fer her!:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 7:16 PM
♥Thursday, September 3, 2009♥
Wad a Lovely DAY:D
MIE!!!One of the Silly Dummer!Hahax:D
And the rest of the Silly gurls...

Thanks fer making mie had so much fun with ur!OAC Rawkz!
Woah!yesterday been a crazy day!hahax:D
Was quite a tiring day too:D Had our "CCA day" and den actually was tog o fer a dinner of Steam boat with our teachers at turf city!but in the end,it was cancelled cause it too late and rushing.Though it was disappinted to hear dat but it also help us to save the money!hahax:D
In the end, my friend and i went to the near by "ba sa malam" to play!and we been crazy over a small "ball ball game" and costs each of us to spent at least 10 dollar plus per person jux to win a small key chain!Hahax:d damm funnie but FuN!hahax:D
♥Smile can be deceiving♥
@ 3:57 PM