Suddenly ii realise a great pressure of Heart break...and ii jux wanna cry it out.
i dunnoe wads de reason behind it,But it jux dun feel good...yy do ii feel hurt,whenever he suddenly talks about other "girls" or if he will contact other girls...ii hope it ish not jealousy...Cause if it ish...ii think its gonna hurt deeper gonna break down veri soon...
ii hate this feeling...and ii wan it to be gone now!
My smiles are not going to come back fer today anymore...This seems to be going to troubled mie de whole nitez.Im done fer it!shits:( this feelings SUCKS TOTALLY!!!
ii jux hope xxxxxx will be by my side now...but,ish xxxxxx hu makes mie feel this feeling!!!
im lost...ii can never trust in my own heart with my mind onli one!ii hope ii will not regret coming so far...or i definately will end up badly...
im confused with my feelings...
@ 9:39 PM
Bet exuu guys noe hu u are...hahax:P
Onli some of ur Veri best friends would be there for exuu...When exuu reallie nids someone to be dere...and the ones,May not be always beside you...And not near you,But as you know,dat whenever exuu are feeling down,he/she definately will appear to be there!and be with you...If you ever met those of this friends,may not be alot,but even if it ish a ONLY friend,TREASURE them:P cause you may not noe if one day,they will need you to be by their side too:P
Oh yah!ii was also wondering if ii am falling in love soon???OHH??!hahax:P not sure...But think its impossible, or maybe this weird weird feeing jux temporary yea?cause...we seems to be in the different world.One so educated and so well grow and mie being the sooo dumb dumb and carzie de...Haiz, complicated!dunnoe wad am ii thinking now adays sia!dunno should ii keep a distance good nie..or slowly dun contact betta???if not im afraid ii woul dhurt someone else feeling soon:( sianz...yy everytime like dat de!!! misses:(
Xiao ting ish Lazy to blog this few days...CYA!!!
@ 1:05 PM

Today Happening...
Hmm..In sch,Start of morning was quite sleepy as last nitez slept late to watch harry potter from my kor's computer...Then,today morning woke up l8,but NVM...Still managed to get to sch on time.Hahax:P The start of the day was normal..But as it reaches the 2nd period,Think im already "warm-up" and my friend and ii started a conversation dat was sooooooooooo INTERESTING dat lasted fer the whole day till sch ended.Hahax:P was so damm funnie lahhz..Then,around the last 2nd period sick of math calculations,went to the wash room to slack and take pictures..hahax:P and tok SECRETS againHahax:P secrets!Shhhz...DON Think so far...and so many years..."She" ish the most Trust-worthy friend ii could ever shares my Secret with..As we known each other since sec1 and we have already shared one of our inner most top secret???Not sure...hahax:p
But,ii believe dat she can be trusted.So,ii told her about things dat im not sure with and she will always comfort mie in a positive way and allows mie to open up my mind as to understand her more...lolz:p She had her own problemz too..Some,even more complicated den mine.But,Maybe ii find dat my life ish more Happening???Lolz
Haiz...Today after sch,went to eat KFC with...XXXXXXXX,siti,ba thong,jhonson,"him"a guy from thailand call him(ish his name).Was Quite fun lorx..Normal.Jokes and laughter...hahax:p later on,went to search fer j-hon-son next target phone den wander around.Soon,the girls...Come to a decision of going to study...can u believe it???STUDY WORX...hahax:P kaes lahhz.Was great in the beginning but later on,drag to a conversation where...ii was reminded dat one of my friend bday coming which was one of my close friend this year name ba thong,and ii wanted to buy him a HEad phone cuz he got speaker liao,wallet,shirt and wad so ever...So,Head phone was my lastest idea and ii suggested to my friends...But,sadly to say,hurt from one friend of my and i was demoralised from den.My smile fated and ii dunnoe wad went thru my mind at that moment..Many many things..Past moments when we all had a great time ad even cried when during the holidays,Ba thong was going back his country...That was the most memorable day fer us...But,now,think we were no longer close to a friend...Hu were once CLOSE TO ME.
ii friends jux come and go When ITS TIME???cause this seems to be happening in my life over and over again...and ii keep asking myself,why would onli when my friends needed mie den they come to mie???But when they have their own company,they left mie alone without knowing...It jux HURTS!!! ii noe,im a person hu cherish a friend more den anyone except my family...Even maybe my relative.Cause,ii my life,im not happie when im at home...and ii feel the HAPPIESS when im with my friends!:P and this makes mie thinks dat friends are the can bring my LOVE,Joys and care...though sometimes dere are moment of Sorrows...But,it still fun being with them..and now dat this have happen...
ii realise dat...FRIENDS ARE NOT FOREVER!!!(NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE)this are jux some of my thinking and feelings...
Hope to have a betta day tomoro!
@ 6:07 PM
keep feeling sleeping when doing questions..Damm sianz come so far to cousin house learn den feel sleepy at every blinnk of an eyes...
Arrg..wad amm ii going to do to help myself...ii jux cant stay focus.Gosh.shitti:(
ii think im jux not one of the smart ones...But one of the crazie ones in sports an music.hahax:P
Hopes to have a betta day toae(wis ytd)???Seems to be turning out opposite.hahax:P
Maybe,exams round de corner ish making mie nervous...But,ii have tried to make myself studies huh...
but ii jux dun seems to make it in life.Stuies ish like the end path of my life dat always drives mie nuts.
damm education...Always spoiles my day out of excitement...Hur!
Wad to do...Wad to do???!
ii damm sinaz.Use cousinz com but cant go Facebook,cant pplay game...
Now even end up to blogging...crazie shits.
@ 4:16 PM
Time jux dun wait for am ii going to get this clear???
ii dun wan "YOUR" to LEAVE!!!:(
@ 12:06 AM
Many things seems to happen...My father side aunt sux kick the busket,and my results in school dont seems to be improving and im veri worried about my studies....Not dat im not bothered.Is jux dat,dunno yy whenever it comes to Either Maths or chemistry,I definately will not be interested.Chemistry not so worse least still do some work.But unlike maths,was thinking like...No hope???Haiz,This ish driving mie nuts!
Secondly,ii dunno wad am ii thinking sometimes when t comes to always headache over my heart cuz of my Confused feelings...Sainz.I din like guys dat are younger den mie and oso not to old fer mie neither the same age.Cause if someone whom ish younger den u,cant reallie understands u well.As for guys dat are same age as you,Dun reallie knows exuu inside out,meaning like if u are sad,they can onli give u confort but not dunno lei..Jux kinda feelings lorx.But as fer older guys,is much more easier to communicate cuz they are much more matured den ii am and they truely cares for you...That in my point of view lorx...hiaz,Sometimes,when ii see my friend are attached and they look happie,im happie fer them.But at the another hand,im upset.Cause ii oso will wish to have someone whom will always be dere fer mie and love,care,share everything with mie.Dat would be like sooooooooo...WOnderful.Arrg..its jux so difficult.
Hmm...ii was wondering for long if a 4years older den mie guy was to ask mie fer stead,Do exuu think we match???Not sae dat ii mind de age lots lahhz,but jux a matter of thinking...Hmm,Interesting yea???
ii jux hope time will quickly heal mie and hope god will stay with mie and make mie be more focus in my studies so dat ii can be promoted to sec4:P
@ 7:18 PM
@ 6:46 PM
NSSCC 2009!!!
B division boys(speed),Ramdhan 3rd.
B division Mixed double,Jessica & Ramdhan 2nd
B division girls team,Riyan,hui xiang,,aileen and kesinee 2nd
C division,Natasha,royston,Jun wei,Andi,daniel,eric,affi and oubah,(Good effort)!:P
Keep up the good work everybody!!!
Sit back and relax some of the pics...
@ 6:14 PM
Yesh:P im happie back again:P im back man!Feel so more and more happier in OAC ler:Phahax Been doing well in the NSSCC competition.Feels veri pleasant with my own performance fer ytd and todae result!i've give in all my best man!but,feel bad to grad my partner ramdhan result.If not could hae gotten 1st ler:( sorrie
Anyway,its still win!and im happie Again!yea:P
Been lazy to use com this few lazy to blog too!heheez:P
@ 8:54 PM
Hoping to buy a camera,cause...loves taking picture!not BHB,jux Hobbies:P hahax
Wishes:Wish to GROW TALLER!!!
Changing handphone!!!Present phone ish SOT!keeps on restarting and cant listen songie!!!getting out of patience to get a new one of c905(pink) dun copy!lolz...Dunno how to use touch screen phone.sad:( lolz
@ 3:57 PM
Im sorrie for being LAZY to blog fer so long!
Cause ii keep a diary with mie all the time.So,after writing in the diary,lazy to repeat it again in bloggie!:Phahax so...muz understand yea?Lazy to go sch this few days..Reason?Keep having free period,wasting my time!hahax:P serious,dislike free period sometimes.and,been banned not allow to use electronic devices anymore till end year(by mdm "3")Shhz...
hahax:P NSSCC competition coming.Nervous.and,been catching up with MATH by the help of MR ALAN LOH!Big thank you:P
JESSICA,ish growing shorter and fatter!need help plz...hahax:P and jessica,wants to Cut her hair and become a beauty!lolz:P(dun laugh)
jessica misses MDM TAN!=Form teacher of 3N1 2009 hoping she ish back to sch.dislike ms **** veri ARRG!!!Her lessons are freaking boring!its kiling mie!she sux!sorrie.No offence.Wan Ms kaur back!damm it.wad shld ii do...haiz!cant get myself to accept her teaching skills.PS:#
ish thinking about many many things...LOST!
My R.H pledge!
To bring Love,Fun and Joy to all the people around mie!!!ii can do it!!!
@ 3:47 PM